Dr. Muthus Multishospital

Deep Brain Stimulation


Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery in Coimbatore

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical process in which electrodes are inserted into some parts of the brain. These electrodes commonly known as leads produce electrical impulses that help to control the abnormal activity of the brain. These electrical impulses also normalize the chemical components in the brain which can lead to several conditions.

Stimulation of the brain is controlled by a programmed generator that is positioned in the skin over the upper chest. Doctors can use deep brain stimulation for neuropsychiatric conditions or movement disorders when prescribed medications become less effective or cause side effects and disturb the normal physiology of the patient.

Types of cognitive disorders at Dr.Muthus Hospitals

How does DBS work?

Movement or locomotion-related disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions occur due to disorganized electrical signals in certain areas of the brain that control locomotion. When successful, deep brain stimulation interrupts the irregular electrical signals that cause tremors and other movement-related symptoms.

During the process, neurosurgeons implant one or more leads inside the brain. These leads are further connected to an extension wire that establishes a connection between leads/ electrodes to a small neurostimulator (internal pulse generator). After a few weeks of the neurostimulator insertion, the doctor programs it to deliver electrical signals. This programming process may require more than one visit in the week or month to ensure that the neurostimulator is adjusting the current properly and providing effective results. The doctor keeps in mind to establish an optimal balance between reducing the side effects and improving the symptoms while adjusting the device.

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Who needs Deep Brain Stimulation?

DBS involves a series of procedures, evaluations and consultations before and after the surgery so that patients who are willing to get this treatment can devote sufficient time to the process. The cost for the DBS process, pre-operative and post-operative follow-up can vary according to the patient’s insurance coverage.

The process can improve movement-related symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and other conditions, but it doesn’t guarantee to provide perfect health for the patient.

Parkinson’s disease

Essential Tremor

Essential tremor is the most common locomotion disorder. DBS can be an effective treatment for this condition in cases where shaking limits daily activities like shaving, dressing, etc.


Dystonia is an uncommon movement disorder. Its symptoms include twisting movements and abnormal postures. DBS can help to improve the symptoms. However, the response of the patient depends on the cause of the condition, which may be genetic or drug-induced.

What is the process of deep brain stimulation?

There are two methods to conduct DBS. In some cases, the doctor inserts both the neurostimulator and leads in the patient. And in other cases, two surgeries are required separately, to implant the leads and neurostimulator.

Stereotactic DBS and interventional image-guided DBS

In stereotactic DBS surgery, the patient requires to get himself off his medications. During the process, a frame stabilizes the patient’s head and gives coordinates to help the surgeon guide the electrode to the correct positions in the brain. The patient receives local anaesthesia to keep himself comfortable during the entire process along with a mild sedative to keep him relaxed.

In image-guided DBS surgery, the patient is given general anaesthesia and is fall asleep in an MRI or CT scan machine. The surgeon uses MRI and CT images to guide the electrodes to the desired locations in the brain. Generally, this method is recommended for children, patients having extreme symptoms or those who are anxious and fearful. The following is the general procedure for DBS surgery.

Lead Implantation

MER (microelectrode recording) uses a current of high frequency to find the accurate surgical area for implanting the DBS (deep brain stimulator). As the structure of each person is different, therefore, the MER gives correct information about the surgical site for placing the DBS. The microelectrode allows the surgeons to hear and see the neuronal activity from different parts of the brain.

Placement of the Neurostimulator

To carry out this process efficiently, the person is given anaesthesia. After this, the medical team inserts the neurostimulator under the outer skin like the collarbone, abdomen or chest. The extension wire is attached to the lead connected to the neurostimulator.

After DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) Surgery

The Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery in Coimbatore is about 24 hours or longer depending on the recovery of the patient. The doctors will visit the patients at regular intervals and give instructions and advice for home care.

At home, the patient needs to keep their incisions dry and clean. The doctors will provide instructions about how to care for yourself at home after the DBS surgery in Coimbatore. A magnet is given to the patient that can be used to turn off or on the neurostimulator under certain conditions.

Specific Precautions After DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) Surgery

How can Dr.Muthus Hospitals help?

If you are looking for cognitive disorder treatment in Coimbatore for you and your loved ones, then the Dr.Muthus Hospitals team is always ready to help you with a team of the best specialists. Even if they want to get information on co-morbidity with abusive substances and cognitive issues, our experts’ team is always ready to help. Remember it is never too late to get help from our specialists. You can feel free to contact our team; we are always available and provide an immediate response to your queries.


DBS does not reduce future treatment options. It is a reversible therapy and the system can be removed.

No, DBS can treat stiffness and slow movement along with treating tremors. It can also provide relief from dystonic muscle cramps.

DBS is an effective technique to treat motor or movement-related disorders. It has shown significant improvement in Parkinson’s Disease patients.

A DBS system does not work until the patient is healed after implantation. Once it’s activated, irritating symptoms can decrease.

The therapy is adjustable and can be turned off or removed if required.

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