Dr. Muthus Multishospital



Fits Treatment in Coimbatore – Symptoms, Types & Risk Factors

Fits are defined as an uncontrolled disturbance in the brain. This can further lead to changes in behavior and feelings. They usually last from 30 seconds to two minutes. Fits that last for a longer are a medical emergency. Several times the cause of the fits is unknown but it might be because of a stroke, head injury, or any illness. Most of the fits can be controlled but some do have a great impact on their daily lives.


The signs of the fits can be mild or can be even severe. This includes temporary confusion, a staring spell, fear, anxiety, uncontrolled jerking movements of arms and legs, and loss of consciousness. In some cases, the origin of the condition goes undetected. It can be because of high fever, injury, or an illness.

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Types of Fits

Some fits are not known as they start suddenly and no one can analyze how they would have started. These are known as unknown fits.

Risk factors

Some of the risk factors involved in this are;


Sometimes doctors will find it difficult to know the types of fits. He will advise with certain tests to know the accurate type of fits so that proper medication is given which will be effective.

The doctor will check the full medical history to know the exact cause. The symptoms might be sleep disorders or extreme psychological tests.

The doctor will advise some lab tests like the blood test, spinal taps and toxicology screening which is done mainly to test for drugs and poisons. Tests like electroencephalograms can help the doctor to know the type of fits which will help them get started on Epilepsy Treatment In Coimbatore. CT and the MRI scan also is conducted to know the exact image of the brain.


The doctors will not immediately go for any medication with just one fit. The main intention of the doctors would be to find the best therapy to stop the occurrence of the fits. It is the optimal Epilepsy treatment in Coimbatore and Seizures treatments in Coimbatore.


This mainly involves medications like anti-fit medicines. The main intention is to find the best medicine that could be best to stop the occurrence. The doctors will do all possible to find the best medicine considering the condition and the frequency of the fits, age and many other factors. Considering all the factors the doctors will prescribe the best medicine for you.

Surgeries and other therapies.

Surgeries are recommended only if the medications are not able to curb the condition. During the procedure, the surgeons will locate the area in the brain where the fits occur and remove them. The surgery will be the best therapy for that person who has fits that start in the same area. Another best and the easy way that can be followed is through diet therapy. The diet has to be followed, is high in fat and low in carbohydrates. This type of diet which is called a ketogenic diet can help to control fits.


One should immediately see the doctor,

  • If the fits occur and prolong more than five minutes.
  • If the consciousness does not come back or there is a problem with breathing.
  • If the fits occur again immediately.

You must seek Epilepsy Treatment In Coimbatore if you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

Take proper medication. Do not miss out on any dosage. Always wear a medical alert bracelet so that this will help others to treat you correctly. Do regular exercises and be active. Having a healthy lifestyle means one should avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking. However, if the issue continues to persist, contact the doctors at Dr.Muthus Hospitals to start the Epilepsy Treatment In Coimbatore.

There is a very rare possibility of injuries during the occurrence of the fits. But at certain times there might be the possibility of injuries. In such cases, one should be careful and take care and avoid going near water or swimming alone. It is better to take showers. Keep the medications handy. Knowledge about the Epilepsy Treatment In Coimbatore would help you manage the ailment better.

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