Dr. Muthus Multishospital

Neovagina Formation / Creation

Gynaecology (Neovagina Formation / Creation)

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Vaginal agenesis is a rare congenital disorder wherein a woman is born without either a vagina and uterus or an underdeveloped vagina and uterus. It is a rare condition that affects 1 out of every 5000 women. This condition makes intercourse and having a baby impossible.

Along with vaginal agenesis, there may also be other issues such as skeletal, kidney, or heart abnormalities. Surveys show that around 30 out of every 100 women with vaginal agenesis have kidney abnormalities such as having only one kidney or one or both kidneys being dislocated. The kidneys may also be joined to show a horseshoe shape. About 12 of every 100 females with vaginal agenesis have atypical skeletons and 2 of 3 of these females have problems with their limbs, ribs, or spine.

Women with vaginal agenesis have normal external genitalia. They might also have a vaginal opening that is 1 to 3 cm deep, known as “vaginal dimple”. They also have functioning ovaries, most of the time.

Vaginal agenesis might be a symptom of broader conditions, that include–

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There are two types of MRKH syndrome –

Generally, there aren’t any obvious symptoms of vaginal agenesis. Hence, it goes unnoticed in most cases, until a girl reaches puberty but doesn’t start menstruating. This is known as amenorrhea. They might experience cramping and abdominal pain due to the buildup of menstrual flow being obstructed due to a missing vagina. If you don’t get your menstrual period by the age of 15, you should consult a doctor. If vaginal agenesis is due to MRKH syndrome, then the individual might experience these symptoms –


The exact cause of vaginal agenesis is unknown. It is present at birth and occurs when the baby’s reproductive system fails to develop fully when she’s in her mother’s womb. In females with MRKH syndrome, some changes in several genes that are associated with development before birth have been identified in females. However, it is unclear whether these changes cause MRKH syndrome or vaginal agenesis. Research is ongoing regarding the causes of vaginal agenesis.

It is also not clear why individuals have abnormalities affecting parts of the body other than the reproductive system, as seen in Type 2 MRKH syndrome.


Vaginal agenesis isn’t usually diagnosed until puberty when a girl has developed breasts and pubic hair, however hasn’t got her menstrual periods. This is because outward genitalia appear normal. To diagnose vaginal agenesis, a physical exam including a pelvic exam and thorough medical history is performed. Additional tests such as blood tests for MRKH syndrome, an ultrasound to create images of the internal reproductive organs and abnormalities, and an MRI to obtain a clearer and more detailed image, are also performed.

Sometimes, vaginal agenesis can be diagnosed in babies, if their parents or doctor discover that there is no vaginal or anal opening. It can also be diagnosed in a young girl if she is being examined for a suspected kidney problem.


There are various treatment options available for vaginal agenesis, that your doctor will recommend, based on your condition, including –

Non-surgical treatment methods –

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