Dr. Muthus Multishospital

Nerve System Disorders


Nerve System Disorders

Nerve system disorders, also known as conversion or neuro-system disorders, are new and broad terms that describe nervous system (neurological) symptoms. These aren’t explained by a neurological disease or other related medical condition. The symptoms, on the other hand, are real and can cause severe anguish or make it difficult to function. At Dr.Muthus Hospitals, a proper diagnosis is made to counteract these systems.


There are a lot of symptoms associated with nervous system disorders. Although a proper diagnosis at Dr.Muthus Hospitals can only treat you it is important to keep a check on the following-

  • Weakness
  • Paralysis
  • Abnormal movement
  • Tremors
  • difficulty walking
  • Loss of balance
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Seizures
  • episodes of shaking
  • loss of consciousness
  • Episodes of unresponsiveness

If you have any concerns or symptoms that are interfering with your ability to function, seek medical help at Dr.Muthus Hospitals. If the underlying reason is a neurological disorder or another medical problem, it’s critical to get a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. Treatment may help alleviate symptoms and avoid future difficulties

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No conventional testing is conducted for nerve system disorders. The most common method of diagnosis at Dr.Muthus Hospitals is to analyse existing symptoms and rule out any neurological or other medical conditions that could be causing them.

The presence of certain patterns of signs and symptoms on an MRI or abnormalities on an EEG is used to identify functional neurologic disease. These are not restricted to the absence of structural alterations.

Our neurologists conduct testing and diagnosis, but a psychiatrist or other mental health expert can also be involved. You can be diagnosed with a functional neurological disorder (FND), a functional neurological symptom disorder (FNSD), or a conversion disorder. Our doctors are the best neurologists experts in India who may provide the proper diagnosis thereafter.

Your disorder can be referred to by a word that describes the type of functional neurological symptoms you are experiencing. If your symptoms include difficulty walking, your doctor can diagnose you with functional gait disorder or functional weakness.


Physical exam- The doctor may check and ask you questions about your health, signs, and symptoms. Several tests can rule out neurological disease or other medical conditions. They may help to know the root cause of the problem. The tests you’ll have are based on your indicators and symptoms.

Psychiatric exam- You may need a psychiatrist as they can help you with your thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well as explain your symptoms. Information from family members or others is also useful.

Diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5-The diagnosis can be compared to the diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Medical Treatments

Mental Health

Get the best treatment at Dr.Muthus Hospitals in India

Treatment of nervous system disorders can be complicated if not performed by a professional health expert. Our facilities and the diagnostic team at Dr.Muthus Hospitals can provide you with the best treatment plans for quick recovery and treatment. We are globally recognised with a comprehensive team working extensively to provide the best medical services.

Dr.Muthus Hospitals are known for the advanced treatments and world-class clinical and medical services. We cater to the needs of our patients to provide them with the best services. The nervous system is complicated, one wrong move can affect your body. It is hence essential to get treated by the best place and doctors in India. Dr.Muthus Hospitals are world recognised and are one of the finest medical facilities in India.


There are a lot of risks associated with the Diseases of The Nervous System like-

  • If you have migraines, epilepsy, or movement disorder. These are called neurological diseases.
  • If you have undergone physical or emotional trauma. These traumas are also related to stress.
  • If you have a mental condition like mood or anxiety disorder. It can also be related to dissociative or personality disorders.
  • If any member of the family has neurological issues
  • Physical or sexual abuse

If you don’t get the right treatment for Diseases Of The Nervous System In Coimbatore, you may have a substantial disability or poor health. It can further trigger more complicated health issues. The complications like-

  • Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia can be encountered
  • You have to answer and keep a note of certain things prior to your appointment-
  • All the symptoms, be it physical or psychological you have.
  • All the personal, social, and family information
  • Medications prescribed

The DSM-5 list is prepared for the conversion disorder or the nerve system disorder by the American psychiatric association. It has

  • the symptoms that affect your body movement or the senses.
  • If the symptoms can’t be explained by neurological or other medical conditions.
  • These symptoms are causing distress and problems in social, work, and other personal life issues.

Book your appointment with the best medical health expert in India at Dr.Muthus Hospitals if you want to get good treatment. We may conduct the proper examinations to conclude a solution.

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