Dr. Muthus Multishospital

Open Heart Bypass Surgery

Cardiology (Open Heart Bypass Surgery)

Open heart surgery is one of the cardiac surgeries that is performed to cure heart-related problems. Through this surgery, the surgeons can easily reach the heart.

In this surgery, surgeons open the chest wall, cut the breastbone, and spread the ribs to access the heart. This surgery is performed on the valves, arteries, and muscles of the heart. Generally, this procedure is known as “cracking the chest.”

Open-heart surgery is a steady way to treat heart diseases, but it is recommended to those people who are strong and can bear the pain.

When is Open-Heart Surgery Required?

Classification of Open-Heart Surgery

Open-heart surgery is carried out in two different ways. Underneath is the description of these two ways:

  • On-pump - In this type, a machine called heart-lung bypass is connected to the heart. This machine controls the functions of the lung and heart. The machine moves the blood away from the heart and regulates it through the whole body. Because of this machine, the surgeon can easily operate on the heart as it stops working. After the completion of the surgery, the machine is removed, and the heart starts to function again.

  • Off-pump - This type of open-heart surgery is also known as beating-heart surgery. The off-pump bypass surgery is performed on the heart that continues to beat and work on its own. This method is useful in CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting) surgery.

Procedures Used in Open-Heart Surgery

There are various procedures that a surgeon can take to treat an unhealthy heart. These techniques provide direct access to the blood vessels and the heart. The procedures can be performed using less harmful methods. The procedures that are carried out while performing the open-heart surgery are listed below

Preparations For Open-Heart Surgery

A person should prepare himself before going for open-heart surgery. He should take his doctor’s advice about:

  • Prescription - The person should stop consuming medicines or drugs before the surgery. They should avoid medicines like NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) which cause a risk of excessive bleeding.

  • Nourishment - The doctor will recommend not to drink or eat before the surgery as anaesthesia works better on an empty stomach.

  • Alcohol and smoking - The heart patient must stop consuming alcohol and avoid smoking as these can create complications during open-heart surgery.

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Complications Of Open-Heart Surgery

As open-heart surgery is a crucial surgical process, there are certain risks while performing it. These complications include

Steps Performed in Open-Heart Surgery

Before The Surgery

Certain procedures or tests are performed before open-heart surgery

During The Surgery

As open-heart surgery is a complex surgery, it might take 6 hours or more to get complete. The steps taken by the surgeons to carry out this surgery are mentioned below

  • The person is given anaesthesia so that he falls asleep during the surgery.

  • A 6 to 8-inch long incision is made below the middle of the chest.

  • The surgeon cuts the sternum (breastbone) and spreads the ribcage to reach the heart easily.

  • Then, the heart-lung bypass machine is connected to the heart (if on-pump open-heart surgery is performed).

  • IV medication is given to the patient to stop his heartbeat so that surgeons can monitor him.

  • The heart is repaired with certain surgical instruments.

  • The blood starts flowing through the heart and it starts beating again. If the heart does not respond then a mild electric shock is given.

  • The heart-lung bypass machine is detached after curing the heart.

  • Stitches are made to close the incision.

After The Surgery

The patient is made to stay in the ICU (intensive care unit) for a day or longer after the successful completion of the surgery. After some recovery, he is then moved to a regular hospital room. During the stay, the healthcare team helps the patient to take care of their incision. He is also provided with a soft pillow to protect his chest when they sneeze, cough, or get out of bed.

Recovery After Open-Heart Surgery

Care of the incision site

A patient may take 6 to 12 weeks to recover after the open-heart surgery. The heart care team will let him know what activities he has to perform or what type of food he has to eat to take care of his heart.

It is very important to take care of the incision site. Following precautions must be taken for incision care.

Management of pain

The recovery speed can be increased by taking care of the pain. Management of pain reduces the risks of pneumonia and blood clotting. The patient may suffer from pain from chest tubes, pain in incision areas, muscle pain or throat pain. To cure these pains, the doctor will prescribe some medicines which have to be taken on time. The recommended medication has to be taken both before sleep and daily physical activities.

Proper sleep

Patients find difficulty in sleeping after the open-heart surgery. But it is important to take proper rest to recover faster. To get a night of good sleep, the patients must follow the given advice

  • Consume given medication half an hour before going to bed.

  • Use soft pillows to reduce muscle pain.

  • Avoid drinking coffee in the evenings.

  • Some patients do not get proper sleep due to anxiety or depression. For this, they must consult psychologists or therapists.

Improvement of heart health

To recover fast and to keep the heart healthy, a patient should

Alternatives of Open-Heart Surgery

Besides open-heart surgery, the surgeons may choose other methods to treat the heart depending upon the condition of the patient. These methods are

How Can Dr.Muthus Hospitals Help?

At Dr.Muthus Hospitals, we provide personalized treatment options and minimally invasive procedures to treat cardiac diseases, including open heart surgery in Coimbatore. Our well-experienced medical team provides complete care and guidance to the patients during their recovery period. The hospital works according to international treatment protocols to provide better results.


Before the day of the Bypass Surgery in Coimbatore, a person should,

  • Avoid drinking and eating anything after midnight before the day of the surgery.
  • Consume the medications instructed by the nurse coordinator.
  • Have a shower with antibacterial soap.

The Bypass Surgery In Coimbatore may take three or six hours or more than that. The time of the surgery will depend upon the type of surgery. The doctors will tell you beforehand about the type of surgery that will be performed.

After the Open Heart Surgery, a patient may stay in a hospital for 5 to 7 days. The time period of the hospital stay will depend on the recovery of the patient.

The pain after the Open Heart Surgery can be managed by following the prescription given by the doctor. The prescription includes,

  • Painkillers or pills
  • Intravenous medication
  • Pumps

After the Bypass Surgery In Coimbatore, a patient must walk three to four times daily. The nursing staff and the physical therapists will guide the patient on what physical activities he can do and how he can take care of himself. The staff will monitor the patient’s progress daily and increase their physical activities accordingly.

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