Dr. Muthus Multishospital


Gynaecology (Cystectomy)

Cystectomy Surgery in Coimbatore | Bladder Removal Surgery

A cystectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the urine bladder. In men, removing the whole bladder (radical cystectomy) usually entails removing the prostate and seminal vesicles as well. In women, radical cystectomy includes the removal of the uterus, ovaries, and a portion of the vaginal wall.

Following the removal of your bladder, your surgeon will need to establish a urinary diversion – a new mechanism for urine to be stored and expelled from your body. Urine can be held and discharged in a variety of ways following bladder removal surgery. Your doctor can advise you on the best strategy for you.

Cystectomy Surgery is frequently used to treat aggressive or recurring non-invasive bladder cancer treatment . Other pelvic malignancies, such as advanced colon, prostate, or endometrial cancer, and some noncancerous (benign) disorders, such as interstitial cystitis or congenital anomalies, may also be treated with a cystectomy.

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Your surgeon may suggest one of the following techniques for your surgery:

Following the process

After the cystectomy surgery in Coimbatore, you may need to stay in the hospital for up to five or six days. This period is needed for your body to heal after the procedure. Because the intestines are usually the last portion of the body to wake up after surgery, you may need to stay in the hospital until your intestines are able to absorb fluids and nutrients again.

Side effects of general anaesthesia include sore throat, shivering, tiredness, dry mouth, nausea, and vomiting. These may linger for a few days, but they should subside. Your health care provider may instruct you to get up and walk frequently beginning the morning following surgery. Walking promotes healing and the restoration of bowel function, increases circulation, and aids in the prevention of joint stiffness and blood clots.

For a few weeks following surgery, you may have pain or discomfort around your incision or incisions. Your pain should progressively improve as you recuperate. Before leaving the hospital, consult with your doctor about medications and other strategies to increase your comfort.


Cystectomy Surgery in Coimbatore is a complicated procedure that involves manipulating several internal organs in your abdomen. As a result, cystectomy poses various hazards, including:

  • Blood Clots Bleeding
  • Pneumonia Infection Heart Attack
  • Rarely, death might result following surgery

You may have bloody urine following neobladder reconstruction surgery. Your urine should revert to a yellowish tint after a few weeks.

You can expect to observe mucus in your urine after either Cystectomy Surgery in Coimbatore because the piece of intestine utilized in the treatment will still produce mucus-like your intestines normally do. You should have less mucus in your pee over time, but it will never totally disappear. If you have a neobladder, you may need to flush your catheter to prevent blocking if you have a lot of mucus.

Lifting, driving, bathing, and returning to work or school may be restricted for the first six to eight weeks following surgery. Your strength will gradually return, and your energy level should rise after the Cystectomy Surgery in Coimbatore. When it is safe to resume sexual activities, see your doctor. You should wait around six weeks before sexual intercourse to allow adequate healing to take place.

If you have cystectomy surgery in Coimbatore, you may be concerned about having a stoma. Consult with your medical care team to learn what to anticipate with a stoma and how to handle any of your worries. With time, you will become more comfortable caring for your stoma. As your confidence grows, you’ll be able to appreciate the people and social activities you’ve always liked.

Your new bladder begins tiny and gradually grows larger during the first several months after neobladder restoration. You may need to urinate every few hours during the day at first, or as frequently as your doctor suggests. You may be able to lengthen the period between urinating to every four hours as time goes on. It’s critical to stick to the timetable your doctor suggests so that the new bladder doesn’t expand and become too large, which might make it difficult to empty entirely.

Nerve damage following surgery may impair men’s ability to have erections. This can improve with time, but you should discuss it with your doctor and ask whether nerve-sparing procedures can be used during Cystectomy Surgery in Coimbatore. Even with nerve-sparing treatments, erectile function may take some time to restore. There are several ways for restoring erectile function following cystectomy. If this is a vital component of your rehabilitation, be patient and collaborate with your doctor. Changes to the vagina may make sex less pleasant for women following surgery. Nerve injury can also affect arousal and the capacity to have an orgasm. Consult your doctor to see if nerve-sparing surgery is an option for you. If you have sexual problems following surgery, take your time, be patient, and address your concerns with your doctor if this is an essential aspect of your rehabilitation.

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