Dr. Muthus Multishospital

MRI Scan

MRI Scan

Best MRI Scan in Coimbatore

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is also referred to as the abbreviated form in MRI.

MRI scan is one of the most common radiological tests ordered by doctors for various conditions. This scan uses magnetic waves to create detailed images of the inner tissues present in the human body. These waves produce superior quality and high definition images of a specific organ. This scanning procedure is mostly used to understand minute details about the required organ, when other scans do not offer a complete picture. This process usually takes anywhere between 15 to 90 minutes depending on the body part.

The Procedure Of MRI Scan

During this scan, the patient is asked to slide into a tube-like machine that is actually a large scanner containing high-definition magnets. This scanner is linked to a computer away from the magnetic field. The patient has to remain inside the scanner for 15-90 minutes depending on the length of the organ to be scanned. In some cases, a dye is injected into the patient. It facilitates the radiologist to see certain organs or tissues clearly. The patient has to remain still during the scan for better results.

Understanding MRI Scan Costs

MRI test costs depend on the part of the body being scanned. A few are listed here

  • Abdominal Scan: It is done to scan the internal structure of the stomach to check the blood flow, condition of blood vessels present in the abdomen, to determine the cause of swelling or pain in the lymph nodes in abdomen, pancreas, liver, kidneys, etc.

  • Arm MRI Scan: It is used for imaging of the organs present on the upper and lower arms including elbows, fingers, joints, wrists, and tissues in that region. It is usually performed when the patient complains of pain in the arm.

  • Heart MRI: It is used to scan the heart to detect blockages and other anomalies related to the cardiac issues in a patient. Various heart conditions such as congenital heart disease, damage to the heart muscle, heart valve disorders, inflammation, and weakening of the heart muscle are detected through this MRI scan.

  • Knee MRI: It is ordered by the orthopaedic surgeon when he wants to investigate the knee joints and tissues closely for a better and more precise diagnosis. It may be indicative of certain conditions such as bone tumours, arthritis, broken bones or ligaments, inflammation in the knees, or when the patient needs a knee replacement surgery.

  • Head MRI: This is used to create images of the brain and surrounding tissue present in the skull and nervous system. It may be indicative of diagnosing a stroke, brain abscess, hearing loss, headaches, dementia, and multiple sclerosis.

  • Cervical MRI Scan: Numbness in the neck, recurrent pain in neck or arms, is indicative that an individual needs a cervical scan. It may lead to a diagnosis of a tumour, injury to the spine, congenital birth defects affecting the spine.

  • Breast MRI Scan: This scan is ordered in addition to mammography or ultrasound in women to detect lumps, tumours and other abnormalities.

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Preparations to do before MRI scan

Before going for an MRI, patients should follow a few instructions and prepare for the test.

  • Abdominal Scan: It is done to scan the internal structure of the stomach to check the blood flow, condition of blood vessels present in the abdomen, to determine the cause of swelling or pain in the lymph nodes in abdomen, pancreas, liver, kidneys, etc.

  • In a few cases, a sedative is given to keep the patients calm and relaxed during the scan process.

  • Remove all the metal objects you are wearing before going for an MRI. As the MRI uses powerful magnets, metal objects like hair clips, jewellery, watches, hearing aids, and dentures get attracted.

  • Let the doctor know if you are pregnant or if you are in your early pregnancy.

  • Lie still during your MRI scan without making movements.

  • Sometimes to get clear images, patients will be given contrast dye.

  • Depending on the part of the body being scanned, patients will be asked to eat and drink before the scan.

Procedure of MRI Scan

Prior to the scan, the patient will be kept on certain dietary restrictions. And he/she can take the daily medications as usual, unless they are instructed otherwise.

The patient needs to change the dress and wear a hospital gown. Also, wearing jewellery or metal fastenings are not allowed during the scan.

Finally, MRI scan is a non-invasive and painless procedure. And the duration can vary from 15minutes to one hour or more depending on the size of the body part that is being scanned and how many images need to be taken.

The steps during an MRI scan includes, as follows

  • The patient will be instructed to lie down on a movable table that slides into the opening of a long narrow tube like structure.

  • A technologist monitors the patient from another room and communicates through a microphone to him/her comfortable.

  • When the magnetic scanner inside the MRI machine produces a magnetic field, repetitive tapping and other noises would be audible. To block the noise, the patient will be provided with the earplugs.

  • If an MRI with contrast is prescribed; an IV (Intravenous) catheter would be inserted into a vein in the hand or arm to inject the contrast material.

  • The patient would be asked to stay still in order to avoid blur or unclear images.

  • Once the desired number of images are taken, the patient may leave the hospital.

Who should not get an MRI Scan?

Though MRI scan is a safe procedure, some people are not advised to get the scan or with extra safety measures. Those include:

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It is used to detect:

  • Tumors, cysts and other abnormalities in different parts of the body
  • Injuries and traumas in the joints
  • Heart problems
  • Diseases in the liver or other abdominal organs
  • Fibroids, infertility, and endometriosis

MRI has very rare side effects, yet some of the common issues due to MRI can be:

  • Headaches and nausea
  • It may cause itchy eyes
  • Inflammation at the region of injection
  • People with claustrophobia feel distressed

Doctors do not recommend MRI scans after the first trimester, except for the serious need for information. MRI scans below 3.0 Tesla are safe for the second and the third trimester of pregnancy.

The radiologists use the images from the scan to observe if any further scanning is required. The patient can leave for home on the same day. The report will be drawn by the radiologist as per the request of the doctor. An appointment is then made by the patient to see their doctor again with the report.

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